A downloadable game

[Still in Development]

Welcome to Card Wars: Duels, this is a personal project that I wanted to start for fun, the idea is to recreate Adventure Time Card Wars TCG as a Multiplayer Game.

You do not know how to play? Here is a link to the official rulebook:



  • Card game with turn-based combat
  • Server-based multiplayer
  • Lobbies: Create a lobby or join an open one
  • Two decks to play: Cornfields vs Blue Plains with +40 cards
  • Card types: Creatures, Spells, Buildings
  • Lane system: Battle across multiple lanes, strategically placing creatures and buildings
  • Mana system: Use mana to play cards, with different cards requiring different amounts
  • PvP battles: Engage in player vs player battles in real-time or vs an AI
  • Developer: Novice (this game will be a disaster 😎👌)


Sadly, regional hosting is expensive, so each player will have to host their own server.

You will have two files to download, the game (client) and the server. Later I will add more information on how to install them.


When the server is running, and the client successfully connects to the server, you can:

Create a lobby: Choose which deck each player gets / choose if you want to play against an AI

Join a lobby: Other players connected to the server can see the open rooms that other players have created, and join to start the game


Hi, I'm a junior developer, and this game is more of an exercise to learn about multiplayer games and servers. It won't have the best quality... and it will probably have a lot of bugs, but try to have fun :)


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Looks really good already! I've been making a Card Wars TCG game as well for some time. while I don't have any turn structure or card specific mechanics worked out, I've managed to have Cards be created dynamically, meaning I'm not using Scans of Cards and can update their values in real time. What engine are you working in? Maybe we can share some ideas :)